The day of the service, the church filled with family and loved ones. I was touched and could feel the sweet presence of the Lord as I watched tears flow even before the service began. The woman who passed was well loved. I stood on the large stage behind the black keyboard with the microphone in front of me. I played hymns of “Amazing Grace,” “Sweet Beulah Land,” and “Sweet By and By.” I played choruses of praise and worship to the Father that gleamed upon those mourning - and so we worshipped in spirit as we waited for the service to begin.
Seconds before the service started, heads turned toward the back doors that opened. In walked a young fifteen-year-old boy. I couldn’t help but stare too as he shuffled his way down the aisle. On either side of him stood two guards holding on to his shackled arms. The chain connected to his ankles, wrapped around his wrists, through the handcuffs, and finally falling near his stomach. The clanging and clicking of the chains resounded to the high ceilings of the acoustically structured church creating uneasiness with all. The teen's long journey ended as he found his place with the other family members sitting on those first three pews. I later received information that he was a grandson to the one we were remembering. I couldn't help but wonder how shameful he must have felt - walking the long path, shackled and humiliated in front of the entire church.
I was then reminded of a journey another man took - shackled and beaten. In a sense it reminded me of Jesus. He too walked down a long road with all eyes upon him. A deep lump in my throat rose until I swallowed to push it back down. The heaviness upon my heart increased. All I could do was stare at the young teen - my heart grieving and yearning to do something about it.
My husband shared the eulogy and spoke well of the woman. Her children came up and shared from their hearts. God was moving; I could feel it. It was then my time to sing. I stood and placed my fingers on the keyboard like I have done so often. The keys were familiar and comforting. As I finished my song I felt as if God were moving among the people.
“Please help him to understand that you love him Lord.” I said to myself hoping the young teen would walk away with that much.
My husband presented a moving message about eternal life and the security that we have in knowing Christ. I stepped up for the closing music as my husband asked all eyes to be closed in the congregation. The soft flow of music filled the church as my husband asked those that wanted to know the Lord to raise their hands. I never look when he does the “Sinner’s Prayer,” but something told me to look up. I looked up quickly trying to keep my mind on the music. I looked straight up and my eyes fell upon the shackled one. At that very moment I saw his hand thrust upward towards the heavens with great passion, emotion, and without hesitation. I felt as if my heart had filled with a million tears and couldn’t hold them. I could hear the rattling of the chains as his arms extended toward the heavens - as if a cry for "Take these shackles Lord!"
The two guards found their places on either side of his elbow. The shackles remained on his hands and his feet hugging him tightly as he wobbled down the carpeted aisle to exit the church. His tiny steps slowly carried him to the front door. The chains rattled beneath his hands and against his feet adding a troublesome sound to the music playing.
I stood numb and felt as if I should do something! God eased by burden for the young teen at that very moment. I didn’t need to feel despair or hopelessness for him as I previously felt. God had done His work and done something miraculous! This young man may have walked out physically shackled, but God had broken the chains that once bound his heart. Jesus walked the the road for him, Jesus suffered the beatings for him, Jesus paid the debt for him - he was free!To free one’s heart is a freedom like no other. The shackles around his heart were replaced with the Cross. He now had the freedom to grow in Christ - change his life - he was free . . .
Thank you Jesus for suffering on that cross, carrying our burdens, and paying our debt.
That was a very moving and wonderful story. I hope the young man will continue his desire to follow Christ and he will trust our Lord always.
Thank you - I believe he is now out of jail and continues to work hard at living in a world filled with sin.
Tina, your story touched my heart as I thought about my own past bondage and the bondage of so many The Sight Ministry reaches out to. I'm thankful that Jesus bore His shackles that became my shackles for me and through His resurrection they were broken once and for all!
Thank you Richard - The Lord is so Good! Blessings -
Tina, this was a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing God's mighty moments. KC
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