A few days later I had an appointment at the doctor's office. I sat in the lone waiting room trying to keep my eyes open all the while wishing I could have a cup of coffee. That would come after the blood work. I picked up a magazine next to me and allowed it to unfold through my fingers - finally stopping it on a page about counseling. I found it interesting that the article at hand happened to of been about a couple in therapy. They tell their sides of the story and then its the therapist's turn. Ironically the therapist voiced her opinion about "sabotage." Of course feeling as if I am having a "journey moment" I perked up and leaned into the article even more.
I, once again, learned something new "sabotaging." But still needed a clearer picture of what that might look like. Behold - leave it up to the Lord to usher you into an example. Sometimes we can be told, spoken to about it, but it isn't until we are thrust inward that we really understand it. That day a situation came up. Trying to make sense of it all, I walked into the other room and heard the Lord's sweet voice - "This is sabotaging." I drew my hands up toward my cheeks and smiled - almost giggling inside. It all made sense. I understood completely - clearly.

It was a simple journey that day - with a simple sign - but a HUGE lesson. Look for the journey moments this week - ask God to help you understand things you do not understand and give Him the glory when it happens.
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