Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Life is a Journey

"Life is a Journey" - We have all heard it said and some are probably sick of hearing those words - probably due to the fact that many of us walk journeys we never thought we would walk. Some of us stride familiar streets and become sickened by our routines. How many of us hate what we do? What has happened to us? How is that life has passed us by? Why do we travel the same paths day after day feeling as if we have accomplished nothing?

Life doesn't have to be that way. Every step that we take has meaning. That step takes us down a journey that will impact our lives for the better - or not. We do have a choice to walk a worthy path - or not. We have been given opportunity to view our journeys in a very unique way - or not.

For the past twelve years I have been journaling my journey and walk with the Lord. I must admit that my own personal journey has not always been what I have dreamt it to be. Even though I have not been pleased with every step taken, God has never given up on me and has been extremely persistent in teaching me His lessons - life lessons - love lessons - child lessons - humbling lessons - yielding lessons - lessons of brokenness - and lessons of victory. I call those lessons Journey Moments.

If on my journey and walk with the Lord I can grab hold of a teaching moment then the journey itself has become something more than routine. The journey itself has become something more than reckless. The journey has become something. Isn't that what we all desire from our journeys - that it would become something?

As my journey with God continues and I now move forward in this new journey of blogging I will attempt to share some of those journey moments with you. My prayer is that you too will become more aware of those teaching moments that will change your walk and cause you to rise up viewing your journey for more than what it is right now - more than just a journey but an incredible moment with the Most High King.

1 comment:

Dave Samples said...

Congratulations on the new venture! You're going to do great! I think that blogging is the perfect medium for sharing The Journey.