Saturday, August 13, 2011

Make Laughter a Part of Your Journey

"It is bad to suppress laughter.
It goes back down and spreads to your hips."

After reading this quote it really made sense as to why my hips were so big! I have been suppressing laughter! (If only!) I wish I had been created with a sense of humor. It usually takes me a few minutes to "get" things, I often over analyze everything, and most people end up laughing at me because of it.

The three men I live with are very quick and witty. They banter back and forth and I often feel left out of their ability to be so humorous and their ability to come up with things so quickly. There are those occasions when I jump in with something I feel is funny - but most of the time it never works out. There are also those times when I stand and watch them roll on the floor from laughter while I stare and try to figure out why it was so funny.

There are days when I like their humor and there are days when I don't like it. There are days when I smile secretly at them when no one is watching and there are days when I turn my back and walk away from their silly humor.

The truth is - we need balance. I wish I could smile more - laugh more - enjoy more. Why am I too serious I ask? I have no idea. Perhaps it is because I am over compensating for their humor; trying to be the "stable one"  - the "serious one" - the "predictable one." Do I really want to carry that?

So I am asking God to fill my journey with much LAUGHTER. I do want to laugh - smile - and enjoy life so much more. Now . . . if  he could only help me figure out some of their jokes and humour - we'll be doing great!

Praying your journey is filled with laughter!

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