Sometimes our journeys lead us to a road we thought we would never travel. Sometimes our journeys lead us to a place our hearts dare go. Sometimes the road is rigid and unknown crowded by the many branches extending their palms to lend their aid. Though most meant for good there are those branches whose thorns pierce the gentle skin leaving their massive marks upon another. The scars are a reminder of the pain it took to travel that path.
“Never again!” One might shout. But somehow they find themselves traveling that dark road once more. Asking how it could be! How could they have possibly found this road to travel yet again?
Silence breaks as the sun cracks the dark clouds. A soft light beams upon the path. The wounded soul begins to warm. Gentle rain falls. The branches glisten and the prickly limbs tuck their tails deep into the forest away from the light.
The crease of the lips rise and eyes squint upward to hear,
“I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.” Isaiah 42:16
The forest parts, animals bow to the Most High King, as the light overtakes the darkened passageway. The gentle rain washes over the wounds and suddenly a step is made. Two steps and then three are produced. And so they are not abandoned, alone, deserted, or turned their back on. No – they are in the light, under the light, within the light, and a part of the light. The light allows them to see far into the forest beyond the trees toward the glorious meadow. They pause. Breathe in a heavenly breath. The journey begins.
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