So many of my journey moments happen at yard sales. I love going to yard sales. I used to think it was because of the treasures I might find but now I understand that it is because of the journey moment I will have.
My hair dresser - beautiful - a true special friend - recently moved to another salon. I love it! It is a quaint house painted in deep warm tones with lots of goodies every girl loves to look at. Designer hats, jewelry, and blouses are draped and placed at eye level all around the salon. Every nook and cranny has something for the eye to soak in and for the heart to long for.
Every time I had an appointment, my heart would somehow drag me to an area with all kinds of blouses - designed with such creativity. I kept eyeing a blouse I wish I could afford. I have never paid over forty dollars for a blouse - actually not even close to that. I know - being a pastor's wife and living on a budget, I could not imagine spending money I know needed to go some place else! Never - the less - God knows our hearts and He understands our longings and desires.
One yard sale morning I drove out to an area with beautifully over sized houses. Upon my entrance into the garage, I was met by a wonderful woman who appeared to be in her early fifties. She graced me with a large smile and before I could get anything out of my mouth she grabbed a blouse, held it up, and said, "I bought this at a local boutique and never wore it."
At that moment my eyes were scanning the rest of her things but when I looked up and made contact I was deeply surprised. She held high the blouse I so desperately longed for. She held in her hands the blouse my heart was drawn to every time I entered the boutique. I couldn't believe it. God had brought me to a place and to someone who would bless me!
Of course I bought the blouse for a mere $2.00. I thanked the Lord for the journey moment as well as the blessing. After that I wondered if the little boutique she had been speaking of was the one I go to. A few weeks later I went in for a trim. Around the corner I saw an older woman smiling at me as if she knew me. Her hair was getting colored so I couldn't really get a clear visual of who she was. I smiled back. She said, "I think I know you." I looked deeper and realized it was the blouse lady.
Overjoyed I asked, "Is this where you bought the blouse you never wore?" She nodded yes. I couldn't wait to tell her how I had my eyes on that blouse and how God used her to bless me. I didn't know if she was a Christian or not - I just blurted it all out adding every giggle and laughter along with it. She giggled too. We hugged and parted ways. God confirmed that yes - he really does care about our hearts and desires - but especially blessing us . . . even through a blouse lady.
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