Monday, January 27, 2014

Egg on My Face

While finishing up some last minute touches on a blog post, I heard a loud sound blast through the house. My husband and I were upstairs when a large “Boom!” shot through the ceiling.

“What was that?” I asked rushing from my office. I would not have been surprised to find Gavin, our dog, into something. I ran down the stairs and my husband followed. Gavin looked suspicious and guilty - as if he had done something wrong. I turned the corner to the kitchen, my eyes still peering at the dog. He took his nose and thrust it toward the stove.

I rotated toward the stove and realized I made a huge mistake. I got so wrapped up in my writing that I completely forgot about the pot of eggs on the stove. The eggs had been cooking so long, the water evaporated and caused one to explode!  Yes – the explosion sounded like a shotgun going off.

In my effort to fix things, I grabbed the hot pan and tossed it into the sink. And I can’t describe what came next. Those of you who have foolishly done the same are laughing in your boots as I write. I turned the faucet on and allowed the cold water to hit the steaming hot eggs.

You guessed it. One of the eggs immediately exploded sending shrapnel of egg flying through the air. If it had been a gun it would have killed me. The egg busted wide open hitting me square in the face. The sound scared me more than anything else, but I won’t deny it was hot.

My heart leaped and I stood dumbfounded. I was in shock. There I was, covered in egg and tears. My husband looked at me. I thought, “Any minute he is going to grab hold of me and help clean me up.”

With his caring, loving, and humorous self, he simply said, “You have egg on your face.”

At that moment, laughter bust through our distressed situation. I’m still laughing about it. I think there’s even remnants of egg in my hair as I write.

According to World Wide Words, the phrase, “egg on your face” “often implies that you have made a serious mistake, but more strictly it indicates that something you have done (or some turn of events) has left you looking embarrassed or foolish.”

Well, my husband was right. I did have egg on my face.

When you end up with egg on your face – laugh it off. It’s okay. The good news is, we can wash away the physical stains while God takes care of the inward stains. Tomorrow is another day filled with – well – hopefully – not so many eggs.



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