The other day I flipped through the channels trying to find something that would capture my attention. Ready to give up, I landed on an animal or wild kingdom channel. (not sure really which one only that it was all about animals) At that moment I watched what looked like a family. Mom, dad, and baby approached the water. Lions cowered to the side ready to attack - - and so they did. They grabbed hold of the infant and landed in the water. The two adult buffaloes ran away. I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched a large crocodile join the battle! The crocodile grabbed hold of the infant at one end while several lions tugged at the other end! My heart ached. I wanted to jump through the screen and rescue the distraught animal. While the scene unfolded - something began to unfold in my heart. It was as if God were speaking to me during that horrific moment. This was definitely a journey moment for me.
Suddenly I was reminded of how it is with us. We often feel as if we are being torn apart by wild animals. This world is rough and sometimes people can be just as viscous as the animals I watched. As I pondered that thought something even greater began to happen. Just when I thought it was all over - God revealed something more!
Though the crocodile and all of his strength gave it his best, in the end the pack of lions would win the tug of war. They pulled the baby out of the water and on to the banks. Crouching over it, I could almost feel their teeth sinking deep within.
Without hesitation, a large group of water buffalo approached the scene. I was fascinated at how they hovered together, marched together, and stayed together. They didn't straggle in one by one - No! It reminded me of an army! They were in sync with one another - joined together - bonded. With harmony in their steps they came forward with such boldness and determination. The two adults who ran away came back with help! I leaned in toward the television and turned up the volume.
I watched as they began to encircle the lions. They surrounded them with a mission in mind. As the scene unfolded several of the buffalo raced forward with strength and courage, stomping at, chasing, and attacking the lions. They were angry. They were upset. They wanted the baby back!
And in that moment God spoke to me. How many of us in this world come upon a brother or a sister getting attacked and walk on by? Out of fear we often sit idle and watch without ever stepping in. I realize how scary it would be to try to intervene on our own - but God reminded me that if we can come together as a body of Christ and a group of people who will fight for one another than we can become a strong army.
At one point a huge buffalo rammed a lion throwing it up in the air. Several other buffalo joined in chasing the lions far away. The others gave way to fightng and chasing while some kept their stance and stood firm. They did not run nor were they chased away. Together they made a statement and stayed the course. In the end the baby miraculously staggered to its feet and walked toward the crowd standing firmly in front of it.
Touched and moved by the emotion of it all I began to understand how God created us and what the church should be about - to stand up for one another, join in and fight for one another, to not let our family members go it alone, to come against the enemy through prayer, to battle together like an army, to face the enemy with a vengeance and to declare "That is my family!" To fight for the life of a loved one - to embrace - hold fast - and to never loosen our grip. That is what the church is all about. That is what we should be all about.
That day I did find God in the details of something I would never have imagined could speak to me in such a way. Allow God to open your eyes and to speak to you today. Your journey will never be the same!
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