While on their journey through the desert, the Israelites faced many emotional moments. Most of those moments were directed toward Moses, whom many of them thought must have been losing his mind. The Israelites rose up against Moses time and again. My heart ached for Moses. I can't even imagine how he must have felt, after all he was only trying to follow God and the task at hand was something he really did not want to do.
What happens to us during those emotional times? Can God indeed speak to us when we are falling apart? Can the Lord reach out and whisper, touch us, and embrace us? Of course he can and does. Sometimes it is not in the way we expect.
What happens to us during those emotional times? Can God indeed speak to us when we are falling apart? Can the Lord reach out and whisper, touch us, and embrace us? Of course he can and does. Sometimes it is not in the way we expect.
The Tear Drop
I had never been to Breckenridge Colorado, but had opportunity to go on this particular weekend. This little cottage town nestled deep within the mountains and blanketed in white absolutely took my breath away. Skiers and snowboarders, wrapped in their warm ski suits, lined the sidewalks. The Christmas lights gave off a festive appearance and warm glow. The buildings were draped in color and beautiful carvings seeped through the soft snow that embraced them. It was a lovely place.
I stayed at a quaint bed and breakfast just off the main street. The manager said, “You must go and see the ice sculptures.” I did and was again in awe at the grand statues. They were glorious! What artistry and gifted craftsmanship.
The next day I spent all day at the wonderful Agape Outpost Chapel. I had a wonderful time at the conference and then it was time to make my way home. It snowed all day causing a lovely white to swathe the trees and the homes. At one point the snow started to fall harder and I became worried about getting down the mountain. I wanted to make it down before dark but I was too late.
I could hardly see the road due to the snow. The roads were icy and dangerous. I made it through the tunnel and then the road started to descend. I turned the radio on and listened to worship music. I too worshiped in the car as I was making my way down the mountain. It was a glorious sight – grand and filled with God’s greatness – a scene that is truly difficult to explain.
I looked out over the magnificent mountains with the snow falling and a part of me feared the height and blizzard like condition while another part of me wanted to stop the car and bow down to the Creator and Most High King. In the midst of my passion to bow down to the Father and my fear of driving in the snow, a song came on the radio. Natalie Grant’s “Better Hands Now” song moved me to tears; not just the song, but the presence of the Lord and the awe of His beauty. I began to weep – and weep – and for a time I had difficulty seeing.
I called my husband and pulled myself together. I needed to get out of the snow but the presence of the Lord was amazing. The road coiled until eventually the snow stopped and civilization surfaced. All was well and all was dry. After traveling a ways father, peace filled the car and I knew I would soon reach home. But then something unusual happened, the very song I heard while on the mountains came on the radio once more. Once again I was moved with emotion.
“What is wrong with me Lord?” The words growled from my soul. I was a blubbering mess! The Lord was truly speaking to me through that song and His presence was evident.
Suddenly while trying to wipe away my tears so that I could see the road. I heard a sound. It was a thump on the windshield. One large drop of rain fell from the sky and landed on the windshield right in front of me. It wasn’t ice, it wasn’t snow, and it wasn’t water from my car. Startled, I looked closer to see the tear trickle down the windshield as if a tear trickling down someone’s cheek. I felt, at that very moment, that it might be a teardrop from God! He too was crying! I started laughing and crying all at the same time! I’m sure the people passing me thought I was some kind of crazy woman.
At that very moment God reminded me that when our hearts are stirred, God’s heart is stirred too. God reminded me that when we are moved with emotion – He is too! And so often we are moved because of the Lord’s presence. It all goes together!
When we experience the Lord’s presence it is an amazing moment. Those moments happen at different times in our lives and we must take hold of them and hang on to them. Let us never forget that God’s love is truly unique. His expression is amazing and he does speak to us in the most unusual ways.
I stayed at a quaint bed and breakfast just off the main street. The manager said, “You must go and see the ice sculptures.” I did and was again in awe at the grand statues. They were glorious! What artistry and gifted craftsmanship.
The next day I spent all day at the wonderful Agape Outpost Chapel. I had a wonderful time at the conference and then it was time to make my way home. It snowed all day causing a lovely white to swathe the trees and the homes. At one point the snow started to fall harder and I became worried about getting down the mountain. I wanted to make it down before dark but I was too late.
I could hardly see the road due to the snow. The roads were icy and dangerous. I made it through the tunnel and then the road started to descend. I turned the radio on and listened to worship music. I too worshiped in the car as I was making my way down the mountain. It was a glorious sight – grand and filled with God’s greatness – a scene that is truly difficult to explain.
I looked out over the magnificent mountains with the snow falling and a part of me feared the height and blizzard like condition while another part of me wanted to stop the car and bow down to the Creator and Most High King. In the midst of my passion to bow down to the Father and my fear of driving in the snow, a song came on the radio. Natalie Grant’s “Better Hands Now” song moved me to tears; not just the song, but the presence of the Lord and the awe of His beauty. I began to weep – and weep – and for a time I had difficulty seeing.
I called my husband and pulled myself together. I needed to get out of the snow but the presence of the Lord was amazing. The road coiled until eventually the snow stopped and civilization surfaced. All was well and all was dry. After traveling a ways father, peace filled the car and I knew I would soon reach home. But then something unusual happened, the very song I heard while on the mountains came on the radio once more. Once again I was moved with emotion.
“What is wrong with me Lord?” The words growled from my soul. I was a blubbering mess! The Lord was truly speaking to me through that song and His presence was evident.
Suddenly while trying to wipe away my tears so that I could see the road. I heard a sound. It was a thump on the windshield. One large drop of rain fell from the sky and landed on the windshield right in front of me. It wasn’t ice, it wasn’t snow, and it wasn’t water from my car. Startled, I looked closer to see the tear trickle down the windshield as if a tear trickling down someone’s cheek. I felt, at that very moment, that it might be a teardrop from God! He too was crying! I started laughing and crying all at the same time! I’m sure the people passing me thought I was some kind of crazy woman.
At that very moment God reminded me that when our hearts are stirred, God’s heart is stirred too. God reminded me that when we are moved with emotion – He is too! And so often we are moved because of the Lord’s presence. It all goes together!
When we experience the Lord’s presence it is an amazing moment. Those moments happen at different times in our lives and we must take hold of them and hang on to them. Let us never forget that God’s love is truly unique. His expression is amazing and he does speak to us in the most unusual ways.
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