I love going to yard sales. In fact, I am a yard sale fanatic! However, I must confess that I am not an “early morning yard-saler.” I have always heard that, “the early bird gets the worm.” Well, unfortunately, I miss out on breakfast much of my life. I just can’t seem to get up and get moving at the crack of dawn. I operate on the idea that God knows exactly what I need and if it isn’t there when I get to the sale, then I guess I really didn’t need it.
One sultry summer day pillows of cotton hung in the baby blue sky and I basked in the glorious day that God provided. What made it even more glorious was that He provided a yard sale for me to stop at on my way into town! (I love that God of ours!)
I said my thanks to God, parked the car, and off I went like a horse out of the shoot. After scanning the area, I walked over to an extra large box of old cards. There were greeting cards, birthday cards, valentine cards and every card you could have imagined. Someone had a great collection. I started pulling out cards that I felt my mother would like. She sends cards every year for every occasion and never misses.
While rummaging through the stack, a young woman came over to me and asked,
“Would you like the whole box?”
“Oh, no,” I responded, “I’m just trying to find a few for my mom.”
“Well, I am about to close and you can have the whole box for five dollars.”
I hesitated for a moment and replied, “Okay - I may as well take the whole box.”
When I finally had time to sort through the box, I realized that I had stumbled upon a treasure. The box was filled with antique containers of unopened stationary. There were postcards, sticky notes, and large stacks of writing paper. I found all sizes and shapes of cards. There were pop-up cards, three-dimensional cards, button cards, and cards with pins in the center. I found coloring books, plastic cups, plates, and napkins, all created by the same person and all unopened. I stumbled upon someone’s Betsy Clark collection! I didn’t know who Betsy Clark was, but according to her cards, she wrote for Hallmark.
I immediately called my mother and shared about the treasure. My Mom‘s high-pitched shrill let me know of her excitement. After our discussion, we both agreed that the collection should remain together.
For about one month I searched and prayed about what I should do with the box of cards. I called antique malls, flea markets, as well as the cute little shops in our downtown area – never-the-less, I was unsuccessful in finding the cards a home.
In the meantime, my mother-in-law came for a visit. She, being a collector of antiques herself, was in awe over the found treasure. We agreed, once again, that a collector should have the box. After our wonderful visit together she and my father-in-law left to make their way back home to Montana.
My husband soon received word that his parent’s van broke down in a small town somewhere along the way home. A man out of nowhere immediately stopped to help and escorted them to one of the pastor’s homes in the area. I, being a pastor’s wife myself, felt an immediate bond.
It wasn’t but a day later when I received an urgent message from Mona to please call her. The urgency in her voice concerned me so I quickly returned her call. Mona shared her story about the van breaking down and how they miraculously ended up at a pastor’s home. She then began sharing with me about the pastor’s wife.
“Tina” she said, “When I first walked into their home, the first thing I noticed was the Betsy Clark collection! It was everywhere!”
“No!” I shouted overly excited. “I can’t believe it!”
We both chuckled and giggled for a while on the phone, reading each other’s thoughts.

“God sure went to a lot of trouble to bless someone!” We laughed. This woman had been collecting Betsy Clark since the seventies. She had every Betsy Clark piece imaginable (well almost). As my gift to her, I sent the entire box of Betsy Clark collections.
I have no idea why I am always amazed at the length God travels to bless someone or show His love for them. A woman in Colorado had a box of cards. I stumbled upon the yard sale at just the right moment – to get the entire box. My in-laws had to break down in a small town on their way to Montana. A stranger had to come along at the precise time and then escort them to the correct pastor’s home just for a pastor’s wife to get a box of cards? Maybe there’s more to this journey of ours? This particular journey was for more . . . than just a box of cards.
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