Resource: Noun
1. Available source of wealth; a new or reserve supply that can be drawn upon when needed.
2. A source of aid or support that may be drawn upon when needed: "the local library is a valuable resource".
3. The ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems; "a man of resource".
God is one of great resources. He created them as well as gave man the ability to create. Our world is filled with resources. With that said, of course God can speak to us through resources. When God led the Israelites out of Egypt and through the desert what resource did he use to do it? He used the pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day. Some scholars believe that it is one in the same - fire. By day the Israelites could see the smoke from the fire but not the flames. By night they could see the flames but not so much the smoke. Either way, God used that resource to lead them and to guide them along the way and of course He would use the resources of their time.
We are fortunate in that today's society, we have many resources and God can use any number of them to speak to us. We have all heard the song on the radio at just the right time, the billboard with the words that tend to jump out at us, and even the message on the side of a van that touches our heart.
This past year a friend of mine lost her husband in a tragic vehicle accident. He left his young wife with four children all below the ages of 13. I had just finished teaching the lesson at her house on Resources and how God can speak to us through them. The day of the funeral and after the graveside service, she went back to the grave and sat beside it. Crying and trying to understand everything, she called out to God for help. She said that at that very moment a carpet cleaning van drove by. On the side of the van the words - "Heaven's Best" was written on it. Those words penetrated her heart, tugged at her soul, and embraced her grief as if God Himself were speaking. Then came some sense of peace, reassurance, and comfort for at that very moment she understood God to reveal to her that heaven was best for her husband.
It didn't mean that she could get up and walk away - never grieving again - no. It meant that somehow in the midst of her suffering and struggling to make sense of it all - God reached out and gave her comfort - He spoke to her and of all things through a carpet cleaning van.
God tries to get our attention every day and we miss it. He wants to be able to speak to us. God wants to have our attention. He does not want us to go through life miserable and lost. He wants us to know that He does speak and in so many ways. Search for the Lord this week. Find him in the details of your day. Allow God to penetrate your heart with His words . . . whatever form they may come in.
For more information about More Than Just a Journey Bible study click here.
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