A friend asked if I would be interested in going to children's camp with her as a sponsor. I agreed and felt deeply blessed. The girls were a joy! My friend has a gift of giving as well as serving. Her passion to minister and bring others to Christ truly is a testimony of her character and love for God. I honestly have no idea how she gets it all done! I thought I wore a million hats.
Her selfless acts of love spilled over into our week. My first day there I walked into the room to find a gift sweetly wrapped. There it lay with a card, “Thank you for being the girl’s counselor.” Like a warm embrace I felt touched and surprised! The aroma from the gift filled the room. I loved it!
The next day another gift came, only this time I felt even more blessed because it was from some of the girls. The day after that came several more gifts! The gifts sat neatly on the bed with a sweet note written on it - “Thank you Miss Tina!” What a blessing! At some point I realized that the girls used their camp spending money to bless us! I will never forget their act of love. The girls did not know how God was going to use them or their gifts to bless me in more than one way.
A week after our time at camp, I became overwhelmed with worry about my son. He had been sick and having tests run. On this particular day I feared the worst. I wanted my son to be well and not have to suffer anymore. I did not want to think the worst. “I know you are the healer,” I thought to the Lord. “I know I shouldn’t think the worst,” I said aloud. Nevertheless, for some reason I had a very bad feeling about it all. Suddenly, in the midst of my fear, I hung my head down and caught a glimpse at one of the gifts given to me by one of the girls. It was a bracelet made of red, white, and blue beads. Between the beads hung a small oval shaped pewter jewel. Engraved on the plate were the words – FEAR NOT.
The words penetrated deeply and I absorbed it all as if a sponge. A peace came over me and I felt as if I had been transferred to another place. “Fear Not,” I said to myself. I said it again with authority and joy. "FEAR NOT!" I will Not Fear! Somehow at that moment the Lord seemed to grab hold of it and release it from my back. He does cast out all fear! I thanked God right then for reminding me of His goodness. I thanked Him for always giving me His peace, but most of all, I thanked Him for a child’s gift that spoke to me in a very incredible way.
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