Monday, January 20, 2014

Get Up

Ah – a chance to begin again. Each year brings reflection, new resolutions, bucket lists, and more. We often start our year with good intentions, but for so many of us, eventually tire, lose interest, or give up. How about you? What does this New Year look like for you?

One thing I’m consistent about is reading the Bible through every year. I use The One Year Bible while my husband reads The Two Year Bible. My Bible is now worn and tattered, so much that I needed to get another one. However, it’s not the same. I don’t have my scribbles or dates to the side. I miss my underlined passages. I’m missing my notes, circled words of affirmation, and bold promises
Perhaps this is a year like that for you; a year of blank canvases and starting over. When it comes to healing, sometimes we need a blank slate. One with no mess ups, no unworthy comments, and no bold words we allow to define us.

If this is the year you vow to find healing, don't allow the following excuses to hinder your journey or keep you from moving forward:

  • I'm okay. I don't need help. I'm not wounded. (denial)
  • The secret needs to stay a secret. (shame)
  • It would hurt others if they found out. (Taking responsibility for others)
  • I can't be helped. (hopelessness)
  • No one can know about my wound. (pride)
  • I'll start working on it tomorrow. (procrastination)
  • It’s not my issue. (blame)
  • I can handle this by myself. (stubborn will)
  • God doesn't care about me. (Feeling abandoned)
    If anything, take into the New Year two words the Lord boldly proclaimed in the midst of healing: GET UP!
    Get Up! Eat
    When Elijah fell hopeless under a broom tree, God sent an angel to his aid. The angel said, “Get up and eat.”  (1 Kings 19:5 NIV)
    This year, feed on God’s Word and all things good and healthy.
    Get Up! Call on the Name of the Lord
    “And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.'” (Acts 22:16 NIV)
    This year, make it a point to call out to Jesus for salvation, in every situation, and for every hurtful wound. He will not fail you.
    Get Up! Though Crippled and Immobile
    “Then he said to the paralytic, ‘Get up, take your mat and go home.’" (Matt 9:6 NI
    Wounds, heartaches, loss, and unfortunate circumstances can leave us paralyzed, stuck in a rut, and immobile. But Jesus doesn’t want us to live in a paralyzed state of mind or situation. Jesus said to the paralyzed man, “Get up, take your mat and go home.” (Matt 9:6 NIV). If you’ve been camped out in an unhealthy place far too long, it might be time to get up, take your mat, and go home. God will welcome you with open arms.
    Get Up! Without Fear
    “But Jesus came and touched them. “Get up," he said. "Don't be afraid." (Matt 17:7 NIV)
    Fear keeps us from stepping toward our goals, passions, and callings. Fear stamps words like unworthy, not good enough, and lack of talent on our chests. Fear is a human emotion. God desires to help us move forward into our callings - without fear.
    Get Up! Though Shackled
    "Quick, get up!" he said, and the chains fell off Peter's wrists.” (Acts 12:7 NIV)
    We feel shackled due to addictions, wounds, buried secrets, abuse, dysfunction in our homes, struggling marriages, wayward children, and jobs we hate.  As soon as Peter stood up in Jesus’ name, the shackles fell off. Only God can give us the strength to endure daily hurts and struggles. Stand up in Jesus’ name and take the necessary steps toward healing and freedom.
    Get Up! Servant of God
    "'Now get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen of me and what I will show you.”  (Acts 26:16 NIV)
    This year, step onto your platform and into your servanthood. Strive to become the servant God has called you to be. Share His Word, miracles, and working wonders. May this New Year bring hope, healing, and amazing changes to your life.
    Get Up and Live
    And somewhere along the road we lose our zest for living a joyous life. We become numb, go through the motions, and simply take up space. We feel empty on the inside. After searching for happiness in other ways and never finding it, we eventually give up.  But Jesus wants to say to us, “Talitha koum!” (which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). Mark 5:41 NIV. The girl died but when Jesus spoke those words over her, she immediately stood up and began to walk around. Those two simple words, and God’s healing power behind them, brought life back into someone whose life was dead. Allow God to bring joy and life back into your heart.

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