Friday, June 28, 2013

"Healthy" Is It Just A Label On A Can Of Soup?

I grabbed my handbag, coupon clippings, and raced to the door.

“Hey do you want me to pick up anything special from the store?” I called out to my husband.

“No,” I’m okay.

“What do you want for your lunches?” I asked. “I can pick up some healthy soups?”

He paused, nose curled upward.

“Healthy?” “If it has the word healthy in it, I don’t want anything to do with it.”

As I drove off into the chaotic world of grocery shopping, I pondered that small phrase. I understood he was referencing food, but how many of us truly live by those few words? What a powerful punch of words!

I came away with a new view. A view I understood, probably even said more than once, and more than likely spoke to others, yet it hit me in a different way – We get to choose.

How many of us shy away from, push aside, and storm around the word healthy? I’m not talking about food alone, but the ability to recognize those areas we need to work through, those addictions to sugar or substance, those tough netted emotions holding us down, and past issues we pull like a ball and chain? Is getting healthy more difficult than carrying those things around?

I’m in the boat too. The thorn in my side is my cravings for pasta or sweets. And sometimes I hide when I should share how I’m feeling. Often I bury when I should release. Yes, I know opening a box of wounds we’ve stored for so long can be scary.

I’ve been ill lately and this past week I’ve been on steroids to help fight some inflammation in my body. I must say, the steroids and I have a love - hate relationship. I love that it helps me feel better physically but hate how it affects my emotions. I cry one minute and get fussy the next. My mood swings are all over the place like a big bouncy ball. My poor family has been very patience and loving.

Jesus once told the Pharisees, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Mark 2:17) Well that’s us my friend. We are all sinners, the unhealthy, the sick, but yet oh so worthy of God’s love and healing. God is ready to coach us to a healthier place.

I try to press in to God when I am sick, but confess don’t always make the effort when I am having an off day emotionally or spiritually.  Those days should be just as important. To press in is to focus more, read more, and meditate more on His love and care for me.

I guess the point is this, we can either reject healthy and push it aside like a label on a can of soup, or choose to embrace it. Only you will know what that looks like for you. God will direct where you need to start. All you have to do is press in to Him and start taking the steps toward a greater journey.

I know - easier said than done. One thing that might help is to find a wonderful support system. I promise God will walk with you and you will feel so much better once you’ve reached the other side. I’m starting my healthy journey as well. I’ll let you know how it’s going and together let’s pray one another through it. We can do it!

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