Monday, May 27, 2013


I sit and listen to the chimes outside my window create a melody – a song of peace. After such an expressive weekend I am left to sort through a puddle of emotions.  An empty nest awaits. How do I feel about my new found journey, mixed with ribbons of possibilities and colorful paths to explore? Excitement and fear intertwine – yet there is balance.

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

My son recently graduated from high school and I reflect.  What paths will he follow? Will he choose wisely? Will he become bold enough to trudge through unmarked territory if that is where God leads? Will I?

Job says, “There are those who rebel against the light, who do not know its ways or stay in its paths.”
Does the path always reflect a road or trail? The path is light. God is light. God is the path and if we see the light, yet not a road, do we dare follow? How often have we stopped short against the tall grass because we could not see the markers– though the light clearly spoke, “come this way?"

Perhaps you have found yourself in the clearing of a beautiful meadow and had no idea where to turn. And maybe you’ve spun your back against the glittering light and walked in other directions.

My prayer is that my son will follow the light on his new and amazing adventure rather than every road he sees. My prayer is that we both will become bold enough to step toward the light if indeed God is calling. Perhaps we will find the courage, as Waldo Emerson said, to “go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Perhaps.

Perhaps others will follow the trail God asked us to make. Perhaps we will journey our very own special trails - set aside by God alone - just for us.

Let me encourage you today. If you see the light and know God is calling – step into it. Truly with God all things are possible.

Today may we boldly proclaim - May it be so!


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