Friday, November 4, 2011

Splash Through Life

Yesterday I took a trip to our near by lake. I wanted to see it the day after our fresh fallen snow. It also gave me a chance to get a picture or two. Beautiful blue skies hung over the glass like scene. As I sat in the SUV, my eyes immediately fell upon something that struck me as odd. A single branch lay in the water and I watched several birds perch themselves upon it. "That's interesting," I thought to myself. I don't know why it struck me as strange to see several birds sitting on a branch. I guess it was the fact that they were from different families, different origins, different in sizes, shapes, and colors. They were different - yet they found a common ground. It didn't seem to bother them that though different they could share a space together - a season - a moment.

As I watched I realized something I had known for a long time but at that moment struck my heart in a different way -  God created us to enjoy one another's company. He created us to share in life filled moments - to live together - to surround ourselves with one another's uniqueness. Yet - the world is filled with division and those who wouldn't be caught in the same room with another much less sit on the same bench with them. The world is filled with those who reject others who are different from them in some form or fashion rather than embracing them because of it.

There are those moments that reach out and grab hold of us and this was one of them. I sat in the silence and prayed that God would bring us back to that (as I stared at the beautiful scene). That somehow we could learn to live in perfect peace and harmony with one another; that our uniqueness would cause us to grow closer to one another and not farther apart.

Our journeys would not look the same if that happened. Suddenly we would be able to rise up and take flight - to play - to soar - to enjoy life. That's the kind of journey God wants from us. He wants us to skip, play, and splash through life. He gives us moments that pass in seconds. Let us not miss the beauty and fellowship each day brings.

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