Do you ever have one of those moments where you feel like you have no idea
where you are going? Do you feel blinded and confused? I have often found
myself walking into a room only to stop in the middle of it and ask, "Now
why did I come in here?"
We laughed as he stumbled around the house but over time he began to look lost and sad - we too felt his emotion. After a day of trying to get around the house- the once "new" looking cone turned into a battered cone wrapped in duct tape to hold it together.
I sat watching him one day and reflected on our journeys and how they seem so similar to his right now. I often feel as if I am blinded - guarded - blocked - from seeing the world as I would like. Never-the-less I trudge onward through life banging into things and often breaking them. I am sure that I come out looking like Gavin much of the time.
And so I sit and watch this pitiful puppy try to find his way around the house and I say to him, "This is to help you and not to harm you." "This is so you won't hurt yourself." "This is how it needs to be right now." I rise from my chair, grab hold of his cone, and help him find his way.
The Lord will often keep us from seeing things we shouldn't - he will guard our ears and eyes to protect us - he shields us on our journeys and allows our views to be only what he wants them to be. We often fight to travel a certain way. We have no idea what lies ahead because our vision is skewed - But the Lord knows because he can see all things . . . and he whispers to us if we will but listen . . .
"For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." (Isaiah 41:13)
He will help us - lead us - guide us - along our journeys. Though we cannot see the full view much of the time we must trust that God loves us enough to lead us the right way and do what is best.
When Gavin finally reaches that place of healing we will be able to remove the cone and he will be able to run free once more. We are all waiting for that blessed day!
May your journey be filled with Peace today!
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