I think one of the most difficult things to do while on this journey is to allow God to take control, have control, and be in control. The Lord reminded me a while back that he is working in all things. Let me say that again -"In all things." He is perfecting and doing a work in our lives. We as human beings like to come in and grab hold of, take control, and fix things all for the sake of "helping."
The truth is, when God is trying to work in a person's life who appears to be in the whirlwind part of the storm, then he is working. He is doing a great work. He is teaching. He is training. He is wanting to speak. He is trying to get their attention. He is revealing. He is allowing them to discover. He is bringing change. He is perfecting.
With that said: He has never left them. He has always been by their side. His eyes have always been on the storm. His hand has always controlled the storm. He is ever powerful over the storm. At the sound of his voice the storm will cease.
Before we decide to leave the peaceful eye of the storm and plunge into the whirlwind part of it then we had better make sure that it is God directed. If it is not God directed then all we have accomplished is getting in the way. If we step into an area God is trying to do a work in someones life because we feel like helping and God hasn't directed then we have stepped into the path of what God is trying to do in that person's life. The same is said for when we are already in the path of the whirl wind and God is trying to move us out. If we know God is trying to move us and we do not move then we are thwarting a work God is trying to do. Why is it so difficult for many of us to move from the whirlwind into the eye of the storm where there is peace - tranquility? That is where God ultimately wants us - to rest in him in all things. I think part of it comes from wanting and needing that control. Another big area we struggle with is fear. Fear has a way of keeping us from moving forward and fear has a way of holding us back. Fear can keep us in the most fearful place - the whirlwind. We become frozen and will not move even when we hear God calling, "This way!" God wants to usher us into the eye of the storm.
So I sit in the shell of the eye of the storm, look out at the whirl wind around me and say to the Lord, "That looks like a big mess!" He smiles tenderly and says, "It's not a mess." "It's definitely not a mess."
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