What can I say about my Journey?
Do you ever have those moments when everything about your journey seems to be cluttered - stacked up like a huge 50 car wreck on the interstate? When that happens it certainly is difficult to find God in the details. Sorting through the wreckage takes work! It is time consuming! Who wants to! Sitting back and looking at that may overwhelm us as we try to find something good in it all. And so I sit . . . I don't know what to do so that is what I often tend to do. I sometimes ask myself the question, "Do I have any strength to sort through such a mess?"
I am reminded that someone once told me, "It's not a mess." Do I have the confidence that my Great Lord is still in control? Could it be that what I am looking at that appears to be a big mess really isn't?
It takes me throwing up my hands and saying, "Alright God! This is your stuff - you sort through it." The hard part is walking away and allowing God to do just that. He smiles . . . He chuckles . . . because he knows the big plan and I don't. It is hard to not have control isn't it? (lol)
So . . .what can I say about my journey I might ask?
That . . .
God has control and I have none . . .
God knows what is going on and I have no clue. . .
God is teaching and I am trying to learn . . .
God is bigger than this world and I am but a speck . . .
God is God . . .I am not.
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