Questions #1
"What kind of writing conference are you attending?"
I told him that I was attending a Christian Writer's Conference. He suddenly perked up, moved closer, and tuned his ears to what I had to say.
Question #2
"What kind of Christian writing do you do?"
I told him that I wrote devotionals and Bible Studies. He clapped his hands and leaned in even more exclaiming, "This is so interesting!"
Question #3
"I have friends who are Muslim. They ask, "How can Christians serve a God who sends people to hell?"
I told him that God doesn't send people to hell. He created us to have a choice. God's greatest desire is that we would choose Him, but he does not force us to love him, serve him, or want to have him in our lives. He is a God that honors our choice whether good or bad. If we choose not to have him in our lives then that in itself is hell - whether here on earth or somewhere else.
Question #4
"How can you celebrate Easter when it is named after the sex goddess Ishtar?"
We do not celebrate Easter - we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. Our focus is on Christ and his resurrection. We had a wonderful visit and after a while we parted. I thanked the Lord for allowing me to have a conversation about Him to this man.
My Question:
"Do you suppose that encounter with this man was coincidental or did God have something to do with it?
I happened to have been outside at that moment. I happened to have been staying at the same place he was staying. I happened to have been the one he asked the questions to. I didn't do anything anyone else couldn't do - I just made myself available for God to use.
Look for those encounters with others that God brings your way. Find him in the details of your walk. Ready yourself.
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