Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Are You Unsettled?

This morning I sat in the large circle amidst the faithful seniors who attend my progressive relaxation class. “Deep breaths in through the nose and deep breaths out through the mouth,” I said. Five minutes into it, I realized I was having trouble relaxing. My heart stirred and I lost concentration. It became difficult to focus on the steps. I was actually having trouble leading the class!

 “What is going on Lord?” I asked. I opened my eyes and glanced around the room. Everyone else seemed relaxed. My eyes kept moving to one particular woman sitting to the right of me. No matter what I did, the unsettling progressed rather than my relaxation progressing.

 After forty-five minutes, I was relieved it was finally over. At the closing, I admitted to everyone my difficulty and unsettling spirit. I asked, “Is anyone struggling today?” My head instinctively turned toward the woman sitting to the right of me and I gently asked, “Lois, how are you doing today?”

 In front of the entire class she confessed, “I’m struggling.”  Tears formed while others gathered around to comfort. After a few moments, it was just the two of us.

 I sat with her hand in mine and listened to the pouring out of a wounded soul. Sorrow, grief, worry - all overflowed. Growing old can be difficult and this was one of those difficult aging moments.  Before parting, she laid her head on my shoulder and I prayed.

 “I just need to go up to my room now and have a good cry,” she said.

 I immediately reflected on those days in my own life filled with more tears than anything else.

 “All women should have a good cry day,” I told her.

 She smiled, squeezed my hand, and walked away.

 I watched the fragile eighty year old woman shuffle along. She made her way to the elevator, holding her tiny cane in one hand and a tissue in the other.

 At that moment, I realized something – today was not a day for me to relax, but to become unsettled.  In the middle of my unsettling heart, God brought me to a heart needing settling. I left thanking God for such a moment. I realized that though it seems I am at the facility to do music therapy, I understood it was for something far greater. I also recognized, no matter how old we are, women still suffer with wounded hearts. We still worry about every day issues, long for normalcy, and face the difficulties of growing old.  

Our journeys so often involve other people. Sometimes God stirs our hearts for a reason. On your journey, ask God to open your eyes to see the truth in all things. Ask God to open your heart to minister – wherever you are -  and whatever you are doing. Sometimes someone just needs a shoulder to lay their head on - God will take care of the rest.
May Your Journey Be Filled With Helping Others

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