Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What Color Are You Today?

When you hear the word “yellow” - what thoughts immediately come to mind? When I hear the word yellow, I immediately think of the sun. Is it really yellow? I think of creation; wild flowers adorning the sides of the mountains or nestled next to that glistening lake. I think of goldfish, marigolds, and buttercups.

We all have our expressions of what yellow means to us. Some may interpret it as being busy or responsible.

Some may view its meaning as bright and sunny.  

Others may use it in a negative way and interpret it as someone being cowardly, sickly, or aged.

The only time yellow is mentioned in the Bible is to describe a "defiling skin disease on the head or chin." (Leviticus 13) If the sore has yellow hair in it, then you probably have the disease.

In the past, calling someone yellow, was degrading and devaluing to the person, and to the color of their skin.

I’m not sure why I’m so focused on the word, as well as the color, today but perhaps it has to do with a journey I took.  Not long ago, I took a drive through the mountains. Along the way, something popped out at me - - - yellow. I noticed so much yellow.

God crafted Colorado to have so much beauty and so much of it in the color of yellow – there must be something to that. I’m sure biologist, environmentalists, and scientists all have their opinions- but for me . . . I just love that God used yellow in His creation.  

Whatever color you are feeling today – take time to stop and reflect on God’s colors. It is well worth the journey.

What Colors Do You See?


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