Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year - A New You

As we journey to a new year many of you are deciding what new year resolutions to enforce. I, myself, at this very moment am searching through my mind like a computer to decide which one to stop on. Do I just randomly touch my imaginary screen and land on anything or do I give it some thought and truly decide what changes I should make this year? How many of us have made the same resolutions year after year?

The truth is - I should really consult with the one who created my imaginary computer in my mind. I should really consult with the maker of every fiber and detail within me - he would know everything there is to know about me. After all his hand formed me and with his tools alone he would know what needs fixing.

So - before I decide what step to take towards my new year and new journey - I will sit - pray - seek - listen - and most importantly - accept - before moving forward. Its one thing to make changes we would like - a new body - taking better care of ourselves - stop the sugar - exercise more - and on and on - but to change something God points out in our life is different. We tend to look at the outer when making our new years resolution but this year - along with doing that - I really want to take a deep look at the inside because I don't want to be the same person I was last year. I truly want to take a step in my journey toward everything God wants me to be.

So . . . my first step toward my new journey in this new year . . . spend time with God.

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