Eight Questions: An Amazing Resource for Wounded Women
I'm answering 8 questions today, about my book Wounded Women of the Bible along with co-author Dena Dyer. (something I stole from Dena Dyer. (Thanks to Jordyn Redwood for the excellent idea!)
Thanks ladies!
1. What is the working title of your book? Wounded Women of the Bible, with my co-author and dear friend, Dena Dyer. It was released this July, 2013
2. Where did the idea come from for the book? I was in a transition from one church to a church plant. Having been wounded at the time from my prior church, my own heart ached. In the midst of the transition, I started meeting with a few women who were struggling in their marriages. We only met a few times when one day, in the middle of the night, I heard my name called. "Tina!" I woke up expecting to hear my son, but instead heard, "Tina, women in the Bible who have been wounded." I recognized the voice of God and asked if I should write about that. The Lord said, "yes."
3. What genre does your book fall under? Women's non-fiction.
4. What's the synopsis for your book? What do biblical women such as Hagar, Abigail, Martha, Bathsheba (among others) have in common with women today? They've all been wounded--by relationships, losses, or their own mistakes. In Wounded Women of the Bible, authors Dena Dyer and Tina Samples share fresh spiritual insights gleaned from ancient women who faced the same emotions and questions as contemporary women. The authors also tell their own stories of healing, as well as those experienced by their friends and family members. Find hope and strength for your own journey as you view biblical women's wounds through the lens of God's grace.
5. Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency? Greg Johnson of Wordserve is our agent, and he negotiated a contract for us with Kregel Publishers.
6. How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript? Several months. But the proposal took several months, and so did the edits. It was a long, prayerful and difficult process, because we opened up our own lives and shared wounds that God was still healing us from.
7. What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? Bad Girls of the Bible, Have a Mary Heart in a Martha World, Twelve Extraordinary Women
8. What else about your book might pique a reader's interest? We know that there are countless women who carry wounds from their past. Many of those women feel isolated in their pain, believing that no one could possibly understand how they feel.
It is our fervent prayer that Wounded Women of the Bible would touch the hearts of those who cry with desperation to find freedom. We long for its healing message to reach the women who feel completely, utterly alone.
As they read the book, those women will find a much-needed connection with biblical women, as well as with us and other contemporary women who share their journeys in the manuscript. In addition, it’s our goal that those who read the book would come away changed from the inside out—believing that God is powerful and loves them personally, and that He longs to heal them, no matter the size or shape of their scars.
Dena and I have already heard from many women who have plunged into the book. Tears are flowing, insight is given, and freedom is found. God, and all of His goodness, is touching hearts as we speak! Thank you Lord.
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