Years ago, One Father sent His son into the world. There he lay in swaddling
clothes surrounded by a few simple people who came to love him, his purpose,
and his destiny.
At His Birth
shepherds spread the word about His delivery.
At His death priests and elders spread the word to have
Him executed.
At His Birth
some protected.
At His death some betrayed.
At His Birth shepherds praised, “He has come! He has come!”
At his death crowds shouted, “Take
Him Away! Take Him Away!”
At His Birth they worshipped.
At his death they mocked.
At his Birth they presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense,
and myrrh.
At His death they offered him wine mixed with poison.
At His Birth
his mother gleamed.
At His death His mother wept.
At His birth the
angels declared: This is Jesus
“He is the Messiah, the Lord”
At His death
they placed above his head the
written charge against him:
“this is Jesus, the king of
the Jews.”
In the end
message remained the same
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