Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Heartfelt Realty of Wounded Relationships

Pastor Tom Pals gives great insight into our expectations in relationships. So often we grow up having our needs met through fleshly desires and worldly actions rather than focusing on the one true thing that can meet our needs without expectation or self-gratification - Christ.   

In the book Wounded Women of the Bible, Dena Dyer and I touch on the wounds we face in relationships. Sadly, so many of our wounds come from hurting one another in our relationships. God’s intent for us to have mates was not to tear each other apart or live in disharmony and dysfunction. His desire was for us to have perfect fellowship, serving one another in love, and embracing the unity He willing gave us.

When sin entered the picture, everything changed. Suddenly it’s all about us, our needs, and our wants. We have become two needy people with fleshly wills and desires. Expectations rise, battles are sparked, and wars become ongoing.  Suddenly we’re extremely unhappy and terribly miserable in our marriages.

But the reality is this: No one can truly meet my need the way Christ can. If I feel I have certain expectations of my husband and he does not meet them, then I am still a woman in need. I think I might need my husband to perform a certain way, but what I really need is to find out why.

Tom would say, “To focus our energy on having someone, even a spouse, meet a need for respect and consideration and getting angry when that person does not meet that need is to fail to recognize the reality that God has already been meeting that need with His own loving respect and consideration for me.”

We are  much healthier in our relationships when we no longer need our mates to meet unhealthy needs in our lives. We are much healthier in our relationships when we recognize we have a need and turn to God to meet it.
Freedom awaits – the freedom to love, commune, and fellowship in the ways God intended. It's never too late to start working on you - you might be surprised as to how it changes your relationship.


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